Cornelius & Huntersville, NC
Gifts, Decor, Art and More
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That's It For Less Privacy Policy
All payments made to this website are processed by PayPal known for their high degree of security.
That's It For Less respects your right to privacy. When you visit our site, you may be providing information to us on two different levels about your visit:
1. Anonymous statistics collected as you browse the site and,
2. Personal information you knowingly give us.
We want you to be aware of how we handle this information.
That's It For Less would like to assure you that we do not:
- Collect personal information from you unless you provide it to us.
- Provide or sell the names and addresses of our customers [site users] to outside vendors.
That's It For Less does:
- Safeguard customers' information from unauthorized access.
- Collect, maintain and use customer information as necessary to provide the most helpful and targeted products and services to meet customers' needs (e.g. customer care or new products or services.)
- Honor customers' requests to remove their names from our e-mail solicitation lists. (Just contact us.)
We value your privacy, and we reinforce this belief throughout our organization. Your information will be protected as described, unless a specific web page says otherwise (Example: signing up for a newsletter, etc.).
Information this Site Gathers/Tracks
- How many people visit our site
- Which pages people visit on our site
- From which domains our visitors come (e.g., "" or "")
- Which browsers people use to visit our site
While we may gather this information, none of it is associated with you as an individual. We use these statistics to improve our Web site, to monitor its performance, and to make it easier for you and other visitors to use.
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.